Cultural Maturity Audit

The Cultural Maturity Audit marks the initial step towards understanding and enhancing your organisation's cultural capabilities. This comprehensive audit is designed to meticulously assess the current levels of Cultural Awareness, Connection, and Maturity within your organisation, and incorporates internal and external stakeholders to gauge current cultural maturity levels across a range of key indicators. 
Additionally, the audit establishes a baseline for your company’s current position, against which future progress is measured. Through regular comparison and evaluation, we can track advancements, identify areas for further development, and celebrate milestones achieved on the journey towards greater Cultural Maturity. This structured approach ensures a systematic and impactful progression, embedding cultural intelligence deep within the fabric of your organisation.

Contact Us to discuss your organisation's cultural transformation journey.

ICG acknowledges and pays our deep respects to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, respected elders, current leaders and all the people upon whose lands we meet and journey upon in our work.

Our hearts and our spirit are committed to working in a way that is respectful, honouring and sensitive to the rich and timeless history and culture of this land and its First Peoples.