Cultural Capability Strategic Plan

The Cultural Capability Strategic Plan is a change-management approach to Cultural capability for large organisations. It guides and project manages a shift in Cultural maturity with a consistent and scalable framework across multiple divisions, levels and sites for organisations with a complex footprint. 
Utilising cultural experts, organisational psychologists and change managers, the process begins with Design Thinking workshops in order to tailor and customise a Plan to your organisations needs and goals, taking into account your First Nations internal and external stakeholders, and any commitments (RAP or otherwise). This comprehensive approach is more than just a learning journey; it integrates sophisticated reporting, measurement, and evaluation tools designed to monitor progress and ensure accountability. The framework also incorporates existing cultural awareness providers, and/or cultural experiences and integrates the intended learning outcomes into a broader change management framework. Our objective is to ensure your business not only meets, but exceeds the necessary levels of cultural understanding, effectively mitigating risks and positioning your organisation as a leader in driving genuine, lasting change for and with First Nations peoples. By developing a customised Cultural Capability Strategic Plan, your organisation undertakes a purposeful path towards inclusivity, respect, and understanding, making it not only a better place to work but also a beacon of cultural intelligence in Australia’s diverse landscape.
Large, druping bell flowers of the Australian native Pimelia phy

ICG acknowledges and pays our deep respects to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, respected elders, current leaders and all the people upon whose lands we meet and journey upon in our work.

Our hearts and our spirit are committed to working in a way that is respectful, honouring and sensitive to the rich and timeless history and culture of this land and its First Peoples.